When I decided I aspired to become a teacher, attending Michigan State University was an easy decision. As one of the top ranked universities in the country for education I knew MSU was going to be a good fit for me. Through MSU I had many great opportunities to prepare me to become a teacher. I worked one on one with a first grade student administering reading assessments and using the results to plan lessons. I spent time in a second grade classroom Holt, Michigan observing, assisting and implementing a science and social studies lesson. I graduated in May 2015 with a Bachelors of Arts in Education.
Michigan State University
August 2010-May 2015
At MSU I had the opportunity to join the Global Educators Cohort Program or GECP. This cohort would be the focus of some of my teaching courses. We focused on teaching a globally conscious and diverse classroom. Through GECP I was given the opportunity to go to China on a study trip. In China, we toured schools, learned about the Chinese education system, learned about their culture and taught a lesson. I co-taught a lesson about Brazil to middle schoolers.
Global Educators Cohort Program
August 2010-May 2015
Through MSU, I student taught at Mt. Hope STEAM School in Lansing Michigan. My mentor teacher had more that 25 years of teaching experiences and guided me through my year long internship. This was my first time teaching fifth grade students. The student population was very diverse. Students came from homes of local representatives and other students were homeless. Some students' parents didn't speak English. This was also my first experience with a STEAM school. I saw the integration of technology and engineering lessons. One of the highlights was students participating in a Cardboard Challenge.
Student Teaching
August 2014-May 2015
When I graduated from MSU with my BA in Education I always knew I would eventually earn my Masters of Arts in Education from MSU. I decided to focus my studies on Literacy Education. When the state of Michigan passed a Third Grade Reading Law, I knew that it was important for me to learn more about literacy and how to support my students. To learn more about my experiences earning my MAED, please see the tabs called Showcase and Essays.
Michigan State University
June 2017-Present
My first year of teaching was spent in Detroit, MI. I taught fourth grade at Universal Academy, a charter school. About 75% of my students were English Language Learners who spoke Arabic at home. Many of the students' families had left the civil war in Yemen. I participated on the School Improvement Committee and analyzed school data. I learned a lot during this year of teaching about teaching ELLs, the importance of communication with families and Positive Behavior Intervention Systems, and how to meet the needs of diverse students.
Universal Academy
August 2015-June 2016
My next two years of teaching were spent at Vowles Elementary School in Mt. Pleasant, MI. After spending a year in Detroit I wished to move closer to my family. I was blessed to be selected to teach third grade at Vowles. I appreciated the sense of family among the staff and the use of PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention System) to help all students succeed. At Vowles my fellow grade level teachers and I meet weekly during our Professional Learning Community time and collaborated on lesson plans and discussed data. We implemented weekly math formative assessments and created intervention groups as the result of the data.
Vowles Elementary School
August 2016-June 2018

This year due to Mt. Pleasant Public Schools moving third grades to new buildings, I am now teaching at Fancher Elementary School. Unlike Vowles, Fancher is a 3-5 building. This year has been a year of learning about new routines and students. I am on the PBIS Committee and help to lead the Nutrition Club. The Nutrition Club delivers bags of food to classrooms for students in need. Through PBIS I have helped to plan our behavior celebrations at the end of the month and assisted in making decisions for the school in regards to behavior expectations. This year I have also utilized Class Dojo to reward students for following behavior expectations.
Fancher Elementary School
June 2018-Present
K-5 all subjects, K-8 self contained classroom, and 6-8 social studies
Class Dojo
Microsoft Processing Programs
Google Classroom and Drive
Smart Boards, Chromebooks, and iPads
NWEA Skills Navigator