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About Room 107

3rd Grade

On this page you will find information about my third grade classroom. I hope you  learn more about what goes on in room 107.

The School

Fancher Elementary School is a third-fifth grade elementary school. There are seven sections of third grade and fourth grade, and six sections of fifth grade. Students have Music, Arts, Computers and Physical Education. Fancher also has a school counselor and two behavior interventionists to help students who are having a tough day. Fancher utilizes PBIS or Positive Behavior Intervention System to help promote positive behavior. Using the acronym SOAR to help students remember the expectations. S stands for Safety; O for Ownership; A for Attitude; and R for Respect. Students who demonstrate SOAR throughout the month will be able to participate in the SOAR Celebration at the end of the month. Students can also earn Dojo Points for these skills as well. 


Students in room have the opportunity to have a class job. Each job last for two weeks. Students are randomly drawn for the job. Students also have the option of earning a Chose Your Job coupon and then can select their job. Student jobs include:

  • Line Leader

  • Door Holder

  • Lunch Waiter/ress

  • Technology Technicians

  • Paper Filers

Through these jobs students are responsible for sorting and filling Friday Folders, keeping the library organized, delivering the lunch order, and maintaining the class Chromebooks.

The Class Jobs

The Students

My third grade class currently has 24 students. These students come from diverse backgrounds. Numerous students are affiliated with the local Native American tribe. Additionally many students' parents were not born in the United States and are from countries such as Saudi Arabia, India or Nepal. The students' diverse backgrounds provides opportunities to talk about different cultures. There is an almost equal balance of boys and girls. 


Fancher Elementary is down the street from Central Michigan University. As a result throughout the year numerous CMU students are in the classroom assisting. Each semester at least two CMU pre service teachers come into the classroom to learn about writing instruction. They focus on writing conferences. With their help, students are able to conference more often about their writing and get feedback. Students routinely enjoy having more adults to help them with their writing and give them one on one help. Also through CMU is America Counts. This program provides the classroom with a tutor during math instruction twice a week. This tutor will work with a small group during the whole group instruction to help ensure they are understanding and demonstrating the concepts. They also help a small group of students work on their worksheets and to answer questions. These two sources of additional support in the classroom enable students to get more one on one assistance. 

The Helpers

Inside Room 107

The Dojo Points

Class Dojo is an online classroom communication app that tracks students behavior. Students can earn Dojo points for any of the SOAR characteristics but they can also lose a Dojo point for not following SOAR. Students can earn Dojo from any teacher or faculty member at Fancher. In Ms. Asher's class, students check their total Dojo points every Friday. Students then color in on a recording sheet how many points they have. Every 50 points students can earn a different level of coupon as a reward. These range from taking shoes off in class to lunch with the teacher. 

Class Dojo Coupons designed by Kendra Asher. Graphics ©Class Dojo

The Learning

Below you will find a select number of slides from my beginning of the year slideshow. The slides explain the content students will learn in their core subject areas. 

All images on the site belong to me unless otherwise noted.

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